
The natural way to regrow your hair is the ultimate way to prevent hair loss

Whether you are a man or a woman, losing your hair can be traumatic. This will help you to know that androgenic alopecia is the most common reason men and women lose their hair. Also known as male pattern baldness, it begins with hair loss over time to form an "M" shape on the scalp. At the same time there is a general thinning of the hair. If these two things happen at the same time, a bald head will set in at some point.

Why androgenic alopecia occurs is due to excessive amounts of DHT. DHT is the short form of dihydrotestosterone. It is a natural hormone that the body produces. In excess, however, it shrinks your hair follicles. As your hair goes through every growth and rejuvenation cycle, every new strand becomes thinner and thinner until the hair follicle becomes too small. At this point, there is no new hair growth and baldness occurs.

You might think that baldness will only appear after a certain age. But the truth is that male baldness can start right after puberty. If your family has a history of this condition in men or women, this could happen to you. Unfortunately, there is a risk that you will get bald if nothing is done about this condition as soon as it is discovered.

Androgenic Alopecia - Can You Do Something About It?

When it comes to stopping hair loss through excessive DHT, this is certainly possible. Many other men and women fought and kept their hair. The key to success is to first reduce excessive levels of DHT in your body to the amount of normal traces required. Since your body still needs it for other necessary functions, you still need DHT in your system.

There are two ways to reduce excessive amounts of DHT in your body:

1. With synthetic chemical drugs or

2. through the use of natural treatments.

The synthetic drugs used to treat hair loss are Propecia and Rogaine. Although they have helped some people, not everyone accepts that this is the only way to treat thinning hair. The other drawbacks you should know about using chemical drugs are the side effects that occur. For example, gynecomastia can occur. What is breast growth in men. Other equally serious side effects include erectile dysfunction, chest pain and other illnesses.

If you want alternatives to chemical drugs, you should be very happy. The use of natural hair loss methods is a preferred alternative to taking medication. Since they're essentially natural and organic, they don't have the side effects you can get with synthetic drugs.

Overall, it is better to use a natural hair growth remedy to stop hair loss than to use chemical medication or other options like hair transplant. You don't get any unwanted side effects and don't have to bear the kind of costs and risks that traditional hair loss methods can create.

Can we treat hair loss? Find

One of the most common types of hair loss in men is baldness. As the name suggests, this type of hair loss follows a certain pattern that begins with receding hair and thinning hair on the crown. This type of baldness is usually caused by a genetic predisposition and hormones. The hair grows an inch about every two months and each hair grows for about 3 to 5 years. After that, it rests before it fails. As soon as this hair falls out, it is replaced by a new one and a new hair growth cycle begins. About 85% of the hair on your head is in the growth phase and the remaining 15% is in the rest phase.

The cavity from which the hair grows is called the follicle. As this follicle shrinks over time, hair growth will decrease and the growing hair will be thinner and shorter than usual. This is called baldness. Gradually the hair becomes short and the follicles shrink and become very narrow. The reason why this happens is not fully known, but is mainly related to your genes and sex hormones. There is a possibility of better hair growth because the follicles remain alive and can be reactivated.

This type of hair loss is diagnosed by the appearance and pattern of the hair loss. If the baldness differs from normal hair loss, it can be diagnosed by a skin biopsy and other medical procedures. Although hair analysis is not very accurate in diagnosing a suitable cause for hair loss, it gives a good idea of the possible cause. For this reason, it is important to consult a good doctor before starting treatment for baldness.

If you want to get really thick, shiny hair back on your scalp, you can use the medications available on the market, but beware of counterfeit drugs and scams. Always check that the medication you want to use is free of side effects and results-oriented. If you still don't know how to choose a good treatment for male pattern baldness, contact your doctor. Nowadays, most doctors prescribe Propecia to their patients for the treatment of hair loss. This drug is approved by the FDA and is only prescribed with a prescription. It is therefore necessary to consult a doctor before taking this medication.

Finasteride, which is sold under the name Propecia, is a medication that is used once a day to treat hair loss in men. This drug reduces the level of dihydrotestosterone in the body. Clinical studies have shown that this drug worked well in people who prescribed it. This medication is specifically designed to treat hair loss on the top of the head and sides of the scalp. It has become very popular because it gives good results. Do not use this medication if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.